Sweet Chili Relish


10 1/2 Lbs. Ripe Tomatoes

1 lb. Red or Green Peppers

2 lb. White Onions

7 Tbls. Mustard Seed

1 1/2 Teas. All Spice

2 Teas. Ground Cloves

1 1/2 Teas. Cinnamon

4 c. Sugar

2 1/3 c. White Vinegar

4 Teas. Canning Salt

Prep Time: 20 min.

(45 min. if Blanching Tomatoes)

Cook Time: 90 min.

Canning Time: 25 min.

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Prep & Cooking Instructions

Start by peeling Tomatoes, remove any excess water. Removing all possible water will reduce cook time.

Add Tomatoes to processor in small batches

Process Tomatoes until finely chopped

Add chopped Tomatoes to a large boiling pot

Chop and Process Peppers

Add chopped Peppers to pot

Chop and Process White Onions

Add chopped Onions to pot

Stir the mixture thoroughly

Add Mustard Seed, Salt, Cinnamon, Cloves and All Spice to Mixture

Measure out 2 1/3 c. White Vinegar, add to pot

Measure out Sugar, add to pot

Mix in sugar and spices

Turn on heat, bring mixture to simmer. Allow mixture to simmer until the consistency is thick but still can run off a spoon, stir frequently. Boil down process generally takes around 1 1/2 hours

While Mixture is simmering, add your clean jars to the pressure canner. Put Canner over heat to warm up the mason jars

Once you have the correct consistency, turn off heat from pot, remove jars from Canner leaving 2 inches of water in the pressure canner.

Begin filling the mason jars while they are hot leaving 1/2 inch of head space. Any jars not completely filled can be placed in the refrigerator for immediate use.

Install Lid and Rings onto jars finger tight

Once time is up, shut off heat source. Allow the Pressure cooker to vent off steam and cool completely before removing the lid

Remove any trapped air bubbles from the jars

Carefully put all jars into the pressure cooker and install pressure cooker lid

Remove the jars from the Pressure Canner

Using a towel dipped in white vinegar, wipe all of the mason jar rims clean

Pressure can jars for 25 min. @ 10 psi

(Adjust Pressure according to your Altitude)

Allow the jars to “snap”, wait 8-12 hours before handling for the jars to cool