Zucchini Bread


3 c. Flour

2 1/2 Teas Ground Cinnamon

1/2 Teas. Ground Nutmeg

1 Teas. Baking Soda

1/2 Teas. baking Powder

1 Teas. Salt

3 lg. Eggs

1 3/4 c. Sugar

2 Sticks Unsalted Butter

2 c. Grated Zucchini

2 Teas. Vanilla Extract

3/4 - 1 c. Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

(Makes 2 loaves)

Prep Time: 15 min.

Cook Time: 60 min.

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Prep & Cooking Instructions

Start by greasing 2 bread pans

Shred 2 c. Zucchini

Melt 2 sticks of butter, set aside to cool

Measure out 3 c. Flour, add to a large mixing bowl

Measure out 1/2 Teas. Nutmeg, add to bowl

Measure out 2 1/2 Teas. Cinnamon, add to bowl

Measure out 1/2 Teas. Baking Powder, add to bowl

Measure out 1 Teas. Baking Soda, add to bowl

Measure out 1 Teas. Salt, add to bowl

Whisk Dry ingredients to break up any clumps

Add 3 lg. Eggs to a seperate bowl

Measure out 1 3/4 c. Sugar, add to bowl with eggs

Whisk Eggs and Sugar to mix thoroughly

Add 2 c. Shredded Zucchini to wet ingredients

Mix Zucchini into wet ingredients

Add Melted Butter to wet ingredients

Measure out 2 Teas. Vanilla Extract, add to wet ingredients

Mix wet ingredients thoroughly

Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in small batches, mixing as you go.

Once batter is mixed add 3/4 - 1 c. Semi-sweet chocolate chops or nuts

Add completed batter to bread pans

Place both pans on the center rack in oven

Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 60 min or until a toothpick inserted into the loaves comes out clean